
Getting started – commissioning

Offline preparation before commissioning

A file with information such as motor data, ramp times, communication addresses and other project specific settings may be prepared and saved offline and later transferred to your VFD. When you connect the app with the drive you need to enter default pairing code 123456.

Checking connections – I/O status

The EmoDrive App replaces your voltmeter. Check cables and I/O status on each connection directly in the App.

Quick fist-time setup with the help of parameter macros

In the drive parameter function various application parameter macros are available via the filter function. Typical settings of applications and functions such as pumps, fans, crane brake and PID-control are suggested for first-time setups.

Setup with the help of parameter backups

If you are setting up a new drive and would like the same settings as your previous drive, you may use a parameter backup for quick and easy installation of your new drive.

Loading the parameter file

The offline preparation file can be downloaded when the drive is powered up.

Setting parameters during commissioning

All settings that were not known or prepared beforehand, such as speed controller tuning is added on the day of commissioning.

Saving parameter settings

All the parameter settings may be saved and e-mailed for backup or service purposes.

Creating commissioning / service report

At the end of commissioning or service, a service report should be sent to for future information. The application details, motor data, serial number and other important data may be saved and shared. This information is added to the parameter file.

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Contact us

CG Drives & Automation Sweden AB
Mörsaregatan 12
Box 222 25


Saving energy isn’t only about your electricity bill. It’s about the peace of mind that comes with knowing everything is running efficiently and that we will be there to support you whenever needed.